Hi Loves,
Shooter Bowl Sunday was so much Fun! Sisters if you have any interest in nordic skiing, you must put this on your calendar for next year's Super Bowl Sunday. It really doesn't matter your level of skiing. We had a full range Sunday and everyone had a blast. Fortunately these guns don't blast anything, but only make a little light on the target turn green which is so satisfying especially when you have skied a lap gotten your heart pumping, your lungs working and you find that steady place at the bottom of the exhale. Then dink! I almost want hearts to bubble up out of the target. So my theme for this event is always aim at love. I love that we raised $289 for the Sierra Community House. Next year I would love to double that. If you didn't know, Project Mana, Tahoe Safe Alliance and Family Resource Center are now under one umbrella the Sierra Community House which provides hunger relief & food programs, crisis intervention & prevention, family support & community engagement and finally mediation & legal assistance. Click HERE if you want to learn more or even better donate. Ben likes to call this event "Guns and Yogis" because we do start and end with yoga with the whole event as a meditation, the underlying theme of LOVE. Thank you to all of those that made it. It was a joy to share with you all!
Staying with the skiing theme, Ben and I are thrilled to be offering Skiing with Grace again this Sunday. Ben asked for a quote from the last groups experience and one gentlemen wrote this. Details below.
“I can only describe `Skiing With Grace’ with Ben and Shari as one of the best educational experiences I have ever had. The gentle stretching and breathing exercises at the beginning allowed students to calm down and open space in our woefully over-cluttered minds. As we moved from the `Yoga Yurt’ to the trails, Ben delivered instruction in a precise and economical manner that allowed us to ski and focus on one skill at a time. Stopping to meditate in the woods with Shari then allowed that information to be absorbed in an organic manner, in our bodies, as opposed to our heads. As instruction then moved on to each individual, we were still given time to ski - in silence - and allow our bodies to process. Returning for a final round of breathing and stretching then grounded all of the principles we explored on the snow.
The concept of calming the mind prior to instruction, followed by time to process is brilliant in its simplicity. Moving forward, it will inform everything I do as an educator. Thanks, Ben and Shari. I can’t wait for the next one!”
Tomorrow night I will be leading Satsang at Wanderlust 5:30-7:00 with the theme, Coming Home! I am looking forward to dropping in with my homies, whoever that might be. Satsang is by donation.
Lastly, I am super excited about the folks that have already signed up for Yoga for Fulfillment starting Thursday night. It's so fun to see the group that forms. If you are thinking you are going to sign up, may I ask because it makes my life a lot easier, to sign up with me by tomorrow. Either respond to this email or text me at 530-318-4065.
Lately I have been sensing a lot of fear in the whole and if that is true for you I encourage you to sit with it and let it inform some sort of action aimed at LOVE. We got this!
Love to you all!