Local Healing Team
I am forever grateful for my local healing team that loves me up and keeps me going.
Tessa(daughter) and Lela (Dog) - They don't have websites yet, but you can inquire with me for their contact info.
Brooke Butler - Medical Intuitive/Energy Worker - Brooke was my first inspiration to meditate. I wanted to be groovy and intuitive like her. She is my go-to when I am, or my daughter is, feeling "off". I have been seeing her since 2004. It amazes me what transpires during our sessions. I get off her amethyst crystal mat and I hear myself saying “there you are; I was missing you."
Mary Ingersol - Massage Therapist/Healer - Mary has been an angel in my life since 2003. Having a session with her is not just a massage. She has the ability to see others' light and she reflects it so beautifully.
Michelle Turley - Acupuncture/Massage - Michelle has a tremendous way of healing not only with her needles and touch, but her big open heart.
Kali Cathie - Hypnotherapy/Teacher/Meditation - Kali has great insight and can heal by asking the deeper questions.
Joaquin Fioresi - Somatic Therapy/Bodywork/Musician - Whether I am collaborating with Joaquin, or having a personal session, Joaquin has a beautiful way of grounding and holding space for me. He is a true brother.
Meg McCracken - Yoga Teacher/Colleague - I pinch myself that I get to teach alongside this woman that I have learned so much from. Once in her presence, you are never the same.
Beloved Studios
Tahoe Yoga and Wellness - I have been teaching at Tahoe Yoga since 2003 and I will always consider it my home studio. So much healing has transpired for me within those walls. I am grateful for Walter Lightner, Bill Folkman, Mark Lundbeck, Emily Weer, and the community there that has always felt like family.
Namaste Healing Arts - I love this sweet little studio. I am grateful to owner, Ann Marie Sheridan, for offering this gem to our community.
Wanderlust Studio - Wanderlust is a phenomenal studio with phenomenal teachers. I am grateful to be a part of their Teacher Training every year with Meg McCracken. I am honored and humbled to witness the transformation of these beings stepping on the path of a yogi. So much love.
So many have shaped this being and that is what happens when you have been on this path for awhile. The list is too long, but some of the ones that I have trained with in the yoga world are Don and Amba Stapleton, David Swenson, The Iyengar Institute of San Francisco, Eddie Modestini, Nicki Doane, Noah Maze, Christina Sells, Elena Brower, Abby Tucker, Ashley Turner and Sianna Sherman.
Meditation is a profound aspect of my life and I find myself making time to sit with Adyashanti or follow Tara Brach. One of the only reasons I am on Facebook is Jeff Foster. I have been so honored to be on retreat with him and I regularly share his writing in my classes. I find such comfort in the words he allows to come thru him.