Hi Loves,
How are all of you? I made the conscious decision to come down to So Cal to check in on my family. Although the mind was in conflict, it felt like the right thing to do when I listened to my heart and gut. It's been a beautiful visit and it feels like it was much needed. I love my family and feel super blessed that I could still come down here and take my classes and groups with me. And Tessa could take her schooling too.
We can so easily focus on what has been taken away, but may I suggest we all take a moment to focus on what we have been given. I have my Call to Love group exploring asteya tonight which is often translated as non-stealing, but I like to practice it as Generosity. Sure the mind might go to all the things that feel like they have been stolen from us which puts us in a cycle of blame and shame, that never feels good. So if and when you find yourself in that, get generous with your attention. Notice what sensations arise in the body and then bring to mind all that has been given, so much! Right?! I am beyond grateful for all that has been given during this time of CoVid! So many blessings and I am not denying the tremendous loss, that grieving is precious too. I do know that when we are in a state of gratitude our hearts give. I was so stoked that last weeks Practice raised $370 for the Tahoe-Truckee Emergency Relief and there were only 6 of us!
So tomorrow I want to invite all of you to join The Practice. I will be zooming from my mama's house. Theme will be "Looking for the Blessings in what has been Given". I feel blessed every time one of you generously gives your time to read my newsletter and even more blessed when I hear from you.
Love to you all!
P.S. Tessa took the silly picture shown above. The roses are stunning at my mom's house. She found she could lick and stick the petals to my face. I guess it's good she is a part of my quarantine team.
The Practice
Fridays 8-10AM
Donation Based $1-$20
Respond to the Email and I will send you the Zoom Link
Venmo @Shari-Beard-1 or Paypal.Me/sharibeardyoga