Trust Your Inner Knowing

Hi Loves,

How are you? Personally in this moment I feel a little clenched which finds me short, impatient, defensive. Sigh! But bless my heart, the mind kept me up most of the night until my yoga nidra session eased my mind back to sleep. As things start to open back up, there is part of me that feels clenched, down to my digestion. Sometimes I don't know if it's mine or it's the collective. What interesting waters we all have to navigate, waters never navigated before, but I keep coming back to trusting my intuition. To listen to my gut, to listen to my heart, to listen to that inner knowing and trust to act on it, something we are not well versed in. But try it now. Close your eyes and ask yourself the question. Do I wear a mask in the grocery store? What does your gut feel? What does your heart feel? Is there a small voice that feels different than the head? My gut feels free, my heart feels a little tight, the little small voice says, "Yes, sweetheart, wear that beautiful mask that Molly Knickerbocker made for now."

Yesterday I was walking with my dear sister that I haven't seen since this all went down. We both felt the ache of not embracing each other when we greeted each other. She said, "If Co-Vid doesn't kill us, not hugging each other probably will." After our walk was finished and we were saying our goodbyes, again there was that ache. I knew we both did our quick check in with our intuition and we ended up in a huge embrace. Tears and rocking and healing. A father and son pulled up on their mountain bikes, we quickly separated like two teenagers getting caught making out by their parents. I am not saying go out and hug everyone, this is what the world needs, but listen to that inner knowing, that felt sense of what feels in alignment especially as we begin to open up again. We are being asked to be more conscious in our everyday decisions, how we show up to serve love and truth. AND that looks different for everyone. I keep asking myself, what feels respectful?

I have been listening to my inner knowing to not spend much time on Facebook. It just wasn't feeling in alignment, but today I got word of some of the amazing things that are happening in our Tahoe Truckee Community that got me really excited. For all you skiers and snowboarders, Michelle Parker put an Auction together for which is getting emergency relief to our community. Yay!!! Not only are they feeding people, but also helping people that have lost their jobs with rent. This is helping the restaurants too. The auction ends tomorrow and is almost at it's $10,000 goal. Click here to find out more about the auction and if you are inspired/able, donate to help Michelle reach the goal. 

So the theme for tomorrow's practice will be "Listening to Your Inner Knowing and Trust to Act on It." Doesn't that feel like what we are all being asked to do? Tomorrow I want to donate all proceeds from The Practice to the Emergency Relief - Tahoe/Truckee I am feeling called to match up to $150. Let me know if you want to join and I will send you the link tomorrow morning.

So much love to you all!



P.S. I will also be teaching for Ann Marie Sheridan on Saturday 10:30-11:45AM Vinyasa. Sign up at Also I will be teaching my Monday 7:30-8:45AM Nervous System Reset from some wonderful home down south. One beautiful thing about virtual classes.

The Practice

Fridays 8-10AM
Donation Based $1-$20
Respond to the Email and I will send you the Zoom Link
Venmo @Shari-Beard-1 or Paypal.Me/sharibeardyoga