Finding Immunity in Community

Hi Loves,

Hope you all are feeling safe and healthy. I feel the only place of true safety is in our own heart and when we reside in our own heart, the health of our mind, body, relationships and community follow. Have you sensed that for yourself during this life experience we are all having no matter what it looks like on the outside? When we are in our heart's space it's easy to connect with each other. Our minds feel at ease, our bodies feel at ease and there is an ease to our relating with ourselves and each other. It feels healthy. Have you noticed when engaging with others that more and more people feel like they are residing in their heart's space now? And when you come across someone that is not in their heart's space, you see clearly they are caught in some version of fear, you have compassion for them and they quickly come around? Have you noticed you and the others you are engaged with are making healthier choices for what you are ingesting, not just your mouth, but thru your senses? Are you and others you observe taking better care by exercising and getting outside? Are you finding you are making better choices for what truly serves you and the whole? I feel like I am witnessing a big healing, myself included of course. We are finally getting healthy and sober to the preciousness of this life. This is building our strength, resiliency and immunity, which is strongest in community.

Last week The Practice focused on a "Feel Good" practice and I asked people to share their two favorite "Feel Good" poses. Surprise, surprise it was mostly hips and it was wonderful. It felt good to me too. It's fun to make The Practice interactive so for Tomorrow's Practice I would love to hear what your two favorite poses or movements are for Immunity. Bonus, tell me your favorite self care habit that supports immunity. Mine is scraping my tongue first thing in the morning before brushing my teeth. Then I have to add my next favorite is drinking warm lemon water. Send me yours even if you can't attend. I would love to hear and connect with you.

So much love to you all!


The Practice
Fridays 8-10AM
Donation Based $1-$20
Respond to the Email and I will send you the Zoom Link

Venmo @Shari-Beard-1 or Paypal.Me/sharibeardyoga