Finding Rest in Community


Hi Loves,

I am writing to invite you to rest. Yes, rest! Right now in this moment as you read this in front of your computer or maybe standing in line somewhere on your phone. Take a moment to close you eyes, get still, relax your body and soften your grip on this life for a few breaths. And if your mind says, "I am not gripping this life." Then scan the body for some tension and if you find something, see if you can soften around the tension and stay with it for some breaths. If you can't find any tension, awesome, just enjoy resting for a minute or two.

This time of year with the holidays and the change to winter a lot of us do feel like we are gripping the steering wheel of life and we often get sick, spun out or depressed. We can also end up engaging with others in an unhealthy way or isolating ourselves in an unhealthy way. That is why it is so important that we take moments of rest to take care of our bodies, minds, hearts. One of my favorite ways to take care is resting back in conscious company. So I invite you to Satsang tomorrow night at the Wanderlust Studio in Squaw 5:30-7:00. There will be meditation, discussion, maybe a little co-listening if it feels right. Meg McCracken and I are offering these Satsangs the First and Third Wednesdays of the month. Come! Bring someone too! I believe they will thank you.

Love to you all!

Finding Rest in Community

Wanderlust Studio Squaw
Wednesday, Dec. 4th 5:30-7:00

FREE or feel free to donate to the Alaya scholarship fund.