Hi loves,
Last night Ben and I attended this talk a psychologist was giving on Authentic Relating with Adolescents. I would say at least 90% of the room was mother's and I think that is why I went to find out who this topic mattered to. I can't say I learned much, more just reminded how incredibly important parenting is and good parenting comes down to taking care of ourselves, which last night this guy was talking about breath work, movement and meditation, which gives us the capacity to be present for our kids. If we want authentic relating, if we want intimacy, there must be presence. We have to put the phones down. I am so sad that Tessa is now feeling the strong pull of the phone, but aren't we all in some way. When I ask her to put the phone down or to hand it over I hear, "just one more minute, I need to send this text." This is how we are connecting these days, but we are missing the presence of the moment. And how often have I said those same words to her, which is why I went down to the Eastside this weekend by myself with no screens. Ok I did listen to podcasts and music, but mostly I was in silence. So as a mother's day gift to all women I want to hold the container of silence for woman on Saturday. Like I said in the previous email we are all mothers in some way even if it's to ourselves. If you never give yourself silence, please give yourself this gift and you can do it, I swear. I can even hold on to your phone for you. You will see how much of your energy is pulled from you all the time (we wonder why we are depleted) and you might find it doesn't take that long to get filled back up. If you are having trouble that it feels selfish to take this time for yourself, know you are doing this for your kids and all your loved ones, it's the foundation for intimate relating.
For me to set the container for silence I need you to sign up by Friday afternoon where I will send you an email on details. We will be getting out in nature to sit, but yoga class will be in the yurt. Please pass this on to any woman you think might be interested or better yet bring them. Cost is $50, but if you bring a mama, their cost is half price. It is so sweet to be in the container of silence with a friend, no less your mama. Woman, do this for yourself.
Love to you all!