Here's to a Fulfilling 2019!

Hi loves,

I hope 2019 is off to a great start for you! I know it has for me. Day 5 and I have already been with Anger, Sadness, Frustration, Hurt, Confusion and Disappointment. I have also experienced great joy, intimacy, contentment and connection. So I guess I have said yes to the full ride. I went for a walk with a dear friend this morning that reminded me it has been 7 years since we had gathered at her house around the book, The Four Desires by Rod Stryker. I had put it out there back then to The Pact, which was a group of students I gathered that were holding each other accountable to a daily meditation practice. Once I got into the book, I was balking at the exercises thinking dear god we don't have a psychologist in the group, will we be okay? And I was just embracing meditation. So it was at this time that my life started changing dramatically. Doing the exercises in The Four Desires each year for the last 7 years has been profound, thank you Rod, but truly I believe the transformation has come from daily meditation because that is the ground where it all stems from.

For years I focused on the Desire of Artha which is the means to live your purpose, because the mind thought I needed to make more money teaching yoga, but means showed up in so many different ways other than money. This past year I focused in on the Desire of Kama which is the pleasure, intimacy and beauty of life. It wasn't all just great sex and chocolate which is what my mind thought pleasure would look like. It had me working thru money wounds, body image, sexual grief, codependency, anger, sadness, grief and doubt. And thru that I have found a beautiful new partnership, got to be fully present with my grandmother right before her transition, I got my website launched, experienced France with my daughter and beloved friends, seen Tessa stepping into her power and feeling more connected with my family members than I have in a quite some years.

Needless to say I am passionate about getting people established in a daily meditation practice and I love holding students accountable to doing the work in Rod's book. It is an honor to witness so many now experience big change in their lives since doing this work. Grateful. I developed Yoga for Fulfillment, an 8 week course around the book two years ago. So this year will be my third go around. I love that last year some returned to do it again. Also last year I had one friend join us remotely, which I will extend to you all this year. What is awesome about the class held at Namaste is the time and space to drop in with each other physically. It's later in the evening so you can show up in your pajamas. I offer a little movement/yoga, meditation and there is a greater connection with the participants when live. It's also nice to have the time and space dedicated to doing the exercises because some of us a week will go by and we didn't get the homework done. For those that sign up to do it remotely, there is still support and accountability thru email and the facebook group. I am super excited that Rod has developed a new App where he shares his teachings. I am loving it for my Yoga Nidra practice and grateful to have access to him when it is challenging for me to get out to travel for trainings. It's called Sanctuary. Check it out.

So if you are called in anyway, I hope you will honor that call and join us.

Yoga for Fulfillment

Namaste Holistic Healing and Yoga Center

Thursdays 7:00-8:30PM *15 min. earlier than the last two years

Starts Jan. 24 and ends April 4th. * No class Feb.21, March 7th&14th

Sliding Scale $160/$200/$240 *Pay what you can afford.

Join remotely for $99

Love to you all!
